Vehicle Digital Video Inspections | Big City Automotive| Peoria IL Automotive Maintenance | Automotive Repair | Tires | Towing | Peoria Il
Fifty years ago, when a mechanic told you something needed to be fixed, you fixed it. When he recommended something be replaced before it caused larger problems, you replaced it. Unfortunately, that's not really the case anymore and most people feel like they can wait just a little longer or find a cheaper way to repair the problem.
In a world where information is everywhere and most people know where to find it, the average Joe is trusting the professional less and their own research more. WebMD has transformed everyone into a doctor capable of self-diagnosing any illness and Wikipedia has turned them into experts in every field imaginable.
That’s why digital auto inspection software's 3-Step System works so well for our customers.
Step One: By using a tablet when performing the inspection, our service technician is able to detail exactly what he finds in detail in a shorter amount of time. He can also provide you with pictures of exactly what needs to be replaced or repaired. These pictures and the detailed summary of what work needs to be done paint a clear picture of what the technician has found and can eliminate some of the grey areas.
Step Two: After the technician has recorded his findings on the tablet, the information is sent to an advisor who reviews the findings and attaches educational materials to the pictures and recommendations to help you better understand exactly what's needed and why. This is all helps you to clearly see and understand the reasons behind our technician’s recommended repairs.
Step Three: Once the recommended repairs and educational materials are gathered and ready, they are either presented to you by the advisor so that the can be further explained or they can be sent directly to you via email for you to review on your own and contact the advisor with any questions. With all that information, you'll not only feel more confident in the repairs, but also in the people handling those repairs.
Instead of a grease stained paper with barely legible handwriting or a phone call filled with technical terms and names of car parts which sound as foreign as particle physics, you get a professionally assembled bundle of information via email which you can review and understand on your own or with the help of an advisor. It’s pretty clear which scenario makes our customers happier and more confidant. Call today to schedule your Video Inspection. (309) 339-7302.